Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Cookout

It's a day early, but I'm surrounded by family, and can feel the love. My daughter is slowly making progress with walking, and standing alone. It makes me feel so happy to know that she is finally progressing in that area. I've been worried about it.

I had to the scare of my life, as she almost fell, head first, down the stairs. It's been an amazing journey with Kylie Jade. She only has 6 days left of true babyhood, and then she will be considered a toddler. It's weird to me to think that this time last year I was swollen and couldn't even put my shoes on.

As I hear the happy chatter of my family in the next room I realize how wonderful life really is. Thank you God for blessing me with my family. I'm one of the luckiest girls in the world.

God bless,

PS I'm still praying hard for Kayleigh Anne Freeman and her parents Adam and Aimee. Just keep them all in your prayers as little Kayleigh is an angel now :(

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